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The Five Behaviors Authorized Partner

Program Purpose

The 5/5/5 Coaching Skills Training Program™ builds a solid foundation of coaching skills for anyone to transfer to the work they do. Learners leave this program with highly effective coaching skills, powerful tools to build accountability in their dialogs and “The Box” which is chock full of coaching tools and resources.

About the Program

The 5/5/5 Coaching Skills Training Program™ demands a new way of thinking about how people interact. Drawing from the most advanced knowledge base in the professional coaching industry, it moves participants into a new way of communicating. Learners acquire tools that move them:

  • from talking at others to new ways of listening.
  • from building walls to building trust.
  • from telling others what to do to asking powerful questions.
  • from harsh truths to productive feedback.
  • from problem solving for others to developing resourceful, self reliant problem solvers.

The Case for Coaching

Learners will build their own case for coaching in their organization. They will be challenged to examine current reality, possibilities and challenges to see how coaching fits. They will also get clear on what coaching is and is not and how the coach approach can impact the work they do and the goals they have.

The 5 Coaching Skills

The essential 5 skills for powerful coaching are clearly laid out in an easy to understand way for immediate transfer. The most advanced skills in coaching come to life through experiential learning and clear concepts that can be applied immediately.

The 5 Step Coaching Exchange

The program gives you a comprehensive and easy to follow 5 step process for moving an individual or team from where they are to new heights of awareness and behavior in a clear, effective and powerful way that lays the foundation for sustainable change.

The 5 Guiding Principles

What you do and how you do it is only part of what we cover in this program. Who you need to be in relationship to the person or people you are coaching is essential to understand. It is precisely what differentiates mediocre coaching into extraordinary and powerful coaching. This part of learning to coach is almost always overlooked in even the most advanced coach training programs.

Using Coaching to Lead

This ‘Coach-Approach’ (using Appreciative Inquiry) Workshop will:

  • Create clarity on how the business community is embracing coaching in 
the development of leaders.
  • Educate participants on how to determine when to have ‘coaching conversations’.
  • Teach two “core” coaching skills to implement in the workplace.
  • Encourage participants in gaining insights into how they can use coaching to lead their respective organizations.
  • Ensure participants leave with an Action Plan on how they will enhance their coaching skills post-workshop

The 5/5/5 Coaching Model

The Power of Effective Delegation

A 2-3 hour training session on how to use your coaching skills to delegate.  Delegation can be one of the most effective leadership skills in your tool box.  Combine it with coaching skills and your job just got easier!   You people will grow and learn new things and your organization will be more successful!

Contact Sue for a Training Session Today!

Maximize your team’s efficiency with our team coaching approach. For leadership development and executive coaching solutions that work contact Sue, start your discussion today!

Phone: 231-519-7690

*Fees are determined according to the type and length of the contract.

*Coaching is confidential and governed by the ethical standards of the International Coaching Federation.

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By using this contact form to communicate with us you agree to the following terms of our Privacy Policy.

  • We will use your information to respond to you, regarding the reason you contacted us
  • We will not share your information with any third party outside of our organization, other than as necessary to fulfill your request